

You’re excited to finally sell your home and move onto the next home for your growing life. The market is active and prospering. You put it on the market, expecting it to sell fast so you can use the capitol towards your next house, but instead it’s not selling.

People show up to the walk in and are interested but no one steps over the line. It’s very confusing, particularly when houses seem to be selling all around you.

Here are some of the reasons that could be affecting the sale.


When your house is listed but the price is too high, it simply won’t sell, even if the market is booming. Buyers are smart and they’re not going to invest their hard earned money at a property that is overpriced.

With a good agent, they will look at comparable listings and sales and use their knowledge of the existing market to determine the best price to sell your home fast and at a price where both you and the buyer are happy.


Upping your street appeal doesn’t need to be a difficult task. A coat of paint to the face of your home makes a big difference. Landscaping your front yard is one of the most important tasks as it’s the face of your home and the first thing buyers will see. A beautifully landscaped lawn as well as flower beds not only stand out and look beautiful, but can also add value to your home.


You want your house to stand out and be the most visible when compared to other listings, so make sure you create crisp professional content through photography and videography. Having beautiful content that stands out makes your listing more enticing then if the photos were taken on your phone. This gives your Real Estate Agent the best opportunity to sell your home and have it not sat on the marketplace for too long.


From the Street view to your lawn, all the way to the entrance of your home. First impressions are everything so make sure wherever you can tidy up or add some beautiful features to make your home stand out, to do so. Doing a few simple things to your home will not only make it more presentable but also more attractive to prospective buyers. All these little changes you make to your home will add to the overall effect and make your home feel so much better when it comes to the presentation.


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